Reconnect with the Sacredness of Menstruation
As our Inner Winter Menstruation is the time of rest and going inward. If we allow ourselves space (as much or little as we can) our bleed can nourish us in profound ways.
I find that my energy levels of the next cycle are connected to how much rest and alone time I allow during my moon time.
Oftentimes menstrual pain is our body crying out to us to listen to our cycle. Practicing Menstrual Cycle Awareness is a powerful step in healing issues with our hormones.
I created this 25 minute guided relaxation with the intention to support you filling your cup during the time you bleed. During this sacred time we can replenish our energy as well as receive clarity on our life and intuitive insights.
If you are curious about menstrual cycle awareness see my course 'Vulva and Vagina ABC' and subscribe to our newsletter to be notified for my next course on Menstrual Cycle Awareness.