Four Sound Healings to journey back home to yourself

·      5 minute Wind Gong Reset. The energy of wind can carry you far or blow away anything you no longer need. Perfect if you need a quick reset, blow the cobwebs out or clear your mind. BREATHER from life.

·      17 minute Relaxing Bliss. Created with the intention of relaxing the nervous system and bringing you quickly to a blissful state, made with Crystal Singing Bowls.

·      26 minute Pink Petalite Gentle Relaxing. I created this while holding a beautiful Pink Petalite (see photo). It’s energy is very gentle and relaxing and, at the same time it allows high frequencies and clearing on many layers. Pink Petalite relates to the eighth chakra above the crown chakra. Crystal Singing Bowls and Tibetan Gongs.

·      48 minute Tibetan Trance Activation. Made with Tibetan Singing Bowls which have very long notes and tend to send you into a nice relaxing trance very easily. For those days when you need a long time out.

Sound Healings created by Nicholas Kahpayah with high vibrational instruments recorded in a professional sound studio.

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