Nicholas Kahpayah

I am born in New Zealand with my roots being both Māori and European. Aged 17 I was ridiculed for wanting to become a massage therapist. I learned carpentry in the army instead. I struggled with addictions and depression.

Aged 30 after caring for my mother at the end of her life I had a powerful spiritual experience that course corrected my life. I studied massage, Reiki and sound healing and then North and South American Shamanism. I embarked on a journey of personal growth and healing.

My love and growing collection of stones and crystals led ‘accidentally’ to a successful e-commerce business together with my wife and started our journey as conscious entrepreneurs.

When Sophia and I got married in 2022 (aged 38) we chose a brand-new last name as a symbolic act to leave the trauma of our family lines behind once and for all. 'Kahpayah' stands for the perfect balance between feminine and masculine energy.

We decided to become ambassadors for mental health, functional relating and a drug and alcohol free life style.

Sophia Christine Kahpayah

I was born perceptive and sensitive with a fiercely rebellious nature and a finely attuned bullsh*t detector. Growing up in the face of addictions and mental illness I was on the receiving end of many traumatic events.

As a result, I dealt with undiagnosed PTSD, anxiety and chronic illness for most of my life. I often felt caught in a paradox of knowing my strength and my truth but being trapped by my fear.

Like many trauma survivors I became a proficient problem solver and high achiever. First as a project manager then as a yoga teacher and therapist. Perfectionism and people pleasing my modes of operating.

I eventually broke down with a serious case of adrenal failure, unable to get up for the best part of 3 years. Fighting for my life and health ended up becoming my biggest blessing. I finally listened to my body. I faced my pain.

From bed (bless the internet) I studied trauma and the effects trauma has on how we relate to others, as well as holistic women’s health with leading-edge teachers around the world.

And I healed. I had to learn from scratch what it means to live from a place of knowing my needs and my NO. Together with Nicholas I built an authentic life, that feels good from the inside out.

Today I create educational material on trauma awareness, emotional literacy, healthy relating, intimacy, boundaries and menstrual cycle awareness.

Glenny Kahpayah

I am a Zen-Master and teacher of unconditional love. I am the head of operations in all Kahpayah endeavors.